People Scrutiny Committee - Work Programme

Current Scrutiny Reviews


Title of Review


Proposed Completion Date

Healthy Ageing

The Committee heard at its March 2024 meeting that a key priority for ASCH was responding to the needs of an increasing older population in East Sussex, including those with complex needs, and that the Department would welcome scrutiny input into how preventative approaches could support people to age well in the county.


A scoping board was held on 3 May 2024 and the Board agreed that although there was significant work underway, there were areas that would benefit from scrutiny input. The Board agreed that the Review would focus on how to encourage people in mid life and older age to take preventative actions to age well; changing attitudes to and reducing stigma around ageing; and exploring how the Department can maximise the benefits on an older population.


Review meetings are planned for May – August and a final report for Committee in September 2024.


Membership of the Scoping Board: Cllrs di Cara and Ungar.

Membership of the Review Board: Cllrs Geary, Pragnell, Ungar and Webb.

September 2025

School Attendance

The Committee heard at their 2021 work planning awayday that overall school absence and persistent absence rates across East Sussex are high, when compared to national and statistical neighbours; and that East Sussex has a significant number of children and young people deemed too ill to attend school due to anxiety and poor mental health, and increasing levels of Emotionally-Based School Avoidance.


A scoping board meeting was held on 10 March 2022 and the Board agreed that although the subject was appropriate for a Scrutiny Review, as so much of the current situation regarding school absence rates in East Sussex was related to the ongoing impact of, and disruption from, the coronavirus pandemic, it was too early for the Committee to undertake a scrutiny review of school attendance.


A further scoping board meeting was held in December 2023 where the Board heard that several pieces of work to address attendance had launched in September 2023 and it was not yet clear what was having an impact. It was agreed that the Board would meet again in July 2024 to look at the latest data and see what progress was being made and any current areas of concern. This meeting will scope a focussed review to begin in September 2024 and report to the March 2025 Committee.


Membership of the Scoping Board: Cllrs Field and Howell and Nicola Boulter and John Hayling (Chair) Parent Governor Representatives.

March 2025



Initial Scoping Reviews

Subject area for initial scoping


Proposed Dates




Suggested Potential Future Scrutiny Review Topics

Suggested Topic


Elective Home Education

The Committee heard at their 2021 work planning awayday that issues relating to the increase in the numbers of children being electively home educated (EHE) remain a concern for the Children’s Services Department and expressed an interest in scrutinising the work the Department is doing in response.


The Committee received additional updates on the local situation, as well as national updates, at their November 2022 and November 2023 meetings, including information at the November 2023 meeting on a DfE Consultation that has opened on revised home education guidance for Local Authorities to provide more clarity about ‘suitable education’ and support to be provided for home educators. In the absence of legislation for a statutory register, the guidance proposes Local Authorities set up a voluntary registration scheme for parents who home educate.


The Committee agreed at the November 2023 meeting to retain this as a potential area for review but will await further information from the DfE consultation.

Scrutiny Reference Groups


Reference Group Title

Subject area

Meeting Dates

Prevention in Children’s Services


The Committee agreed in March 2023 to convert a planned scrutiny review on prevention in Children’s Services into a Reference Group in order to provide regular and timely input into key projects and programmes which were under development and progressing at pace. The Group has considered work to develop preventative approaches including Family Hubs and the Family Safeguarding model, and has provided ongoing scrutiny challenge.


This Reference Group last met on 17 June 2024 and agreed that after several meetings, it was assured the Department was developing a range of work focused on prevention and that an update on progress of this work to the whole Committee in 6 months would be an appropriate way forward. It was agreed to pause the Reference Group on the understanding that the Group would reconvene if there were significant work or policy developments that would benefit from scrutiny input.


Membership of the Reference Group: Councillors Cross and Howell, and John Hayling Parent Governor Representative (Chair)

TBC pending further developments

CQC Preparation Reference Group

The Committee agreed at its 2023 awayday to establish a Reference Group to support ASCH with the upcoming CQC inspection and LGA Peer Review.


The Reference Group last met on 17 June 2024 and received a presentation from the Department on findings from the recent LGA Peer Review and the Department’s response to these findings, including the development of an ASCH Departmental Priority Action Plan. The Group welcomed the positive findings from the LGA report, discussed some of the areas for consideration, and agreed to continue to provide scrutiny support to the Department in its preparations for the upcoming CQC assessment.


The next meeting is planned for autumn 2024 and will consider progress on the Departmental Priority Action Plan.


Membership of the Reference Group: Councillors Geary, Howell, Ungar and Webb.

Autumn 2024

Health and Social Care Integration Programme (HASCIP) Reference Group


The Committee agreed to establish a Reference Group to monitor progress of the East Sussex Health and Social Care Integration Programme and identify areas for future scrutiny. It reviews HASCIP progress reports provided to the Health and Wellbeing Board and meets on an ad hoc basis as required to consider issues arising in more detail.  


The Group last met on 24 June 2024 to consider the Shared Delivery Plan year 2 refresh. The Group welcomed the progress of integrated care in East Sussex and discussed the new governance arrangements, hospital discharge, NHS funding, and the specific are of focus in the SDP on Children and Young People at a pan-Sussex level.


Membership of the group: Councillors Clark, Geary (Chair), Ungar and Webb.

Next meeting:




Educational Attainment and Performance Scrutiny Reference Group

The Committee agreed in June 2018 to establish a Reference Group to focus on reviewing data on educational attainment in East Sussex and related issues. The group meets on an annual basis.


The Group met on 27 March 2024 to consider attainment results for the 2022/23 academic year. Members discussed the impact of Covid on attainment for all key stages, the role of Multi Academy Trusts in providing local support to communities, and the impact of short term government funding. The Group agreed the Department was working to support schools through a range of challenges.


Membership of the group: Councillors Field (Chair) and Howell and Nicola Boulter, Parent Governor Representative.

Next meeting:

March 2025  

Adult Social Care reforms Reference Group

The Committee agreed at its 2022 work planning awayday to establish a Reference Group to consider the impact and implementation of the national Adult Social Care reforms. Implementation of the reforms was subsequently delayed in the 2022 Autumn Statement from October 2023 to October 2025 and the first meeting of the Group will take place closer to implementation.


Membership of the group: Councillors Geary and Ungar. 

TBC pending further developments

Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) Board


RPPR Board meets annually to agree detailed comments and any recommendations on the emerging portfolio plans and spending and savings proposals to be put to Cabinet on behalf of the scrutiny committee.   

Next meeting:

December 2024  

Reports for Information



Subject Area


Proposed Date

SEND support

A report on the school-run projects to improve inclusive practice in mainstream schools and improve outcomes for children with SEND and the national SEND and AP Change Programme.

Oct/Nov 2024

Training and Development




Title of Training/Briefing


Proposed Date

People Committee awayday

To review the Committee work programme and discuss any key issues in further detail.


16 September 2024

Future Committee Agenda Items


15 July 2024


Equality and Inclusion in Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Review

6 month monitoring report on progress with the Review’s recommendations.

Director of Adult Social Care and Health

Use of Digital and Technology in Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Review

12 month monitoring report on progress with the Review’s recommendations.

Director of Adult Social Care and Health

Children’s Services work with IMPOWER

The Committee agreed at its 2023 awayday to request an update on the Department’s work with consultants IMPOWER to review and develop cost effective and outcome focused children’s care arrangements, including the long term use of foster carers in the county. This update will also address current issues with private care provision and work underway to manage this.

Director of Children’s Services

Committee Work Programme


To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.


Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser

Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)


To commence the Committee’s involvement with the RPPR process for 2024/25 financial year by reviewing the information in the Quarter 4 (end of year) (2023/24) Council Monitoring report and the State of the County report.

Chief Executive

24 September 2024


Committee Work Programme


To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.

Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser

Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

To continue the Committee’s work on the RPPR process for 2024/25 financial year.

Chief Executive

Healthy Ageing Scrutiny Review

Review into Healthy Ageing to be presented to Committee

Councillor Ungar, Chair of the Review Board

School Exclusions Scrutiny Review

6 month monitoring report on progress with the Review’s recommendations.

Director of Children’s Services

Safeguarding Adults Board - Annual Report


The Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Annual Report outlines the safeguarding activity and performance in East Sussex during the previous financial year, as well as some of the main developments in place to prevent abuse from occurring.


Chair, Safeguarding Adults Board

Annual Review of Safer Communities

To update the Committee on performance in relation to Safer Communities in 2023/24 and the priorities and issues for 2024/25 that will be highlighted in the Partnership Business Plan.

Assistant Director - Planning, Performance and Engagement

19 November 2024


East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (ESSCP) Annual Report

Presentation of the annual report of the East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership.


Independent Chair, East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership

Loneliness Stewardship Group


The Committee agreed at its March 2024 meeting to request a further update on the Loneliness Stewardship Group.

Director of Adult Social Care and Health

ASC Peer Review and CQC preparations

To provide the Committee with an update on progress against the action plan following recommendations from the LGA Peer Review of ASC in preparation for a CQC assessment.

Director of Adult Social Care and Health

Transition in services

To provide the Committee with clarification on the process of transitioning between Children’s Services and ASCH.

Director of Children’s Services and Director of Adult Social Care and Health

Committee Work Programme


To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.

Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser

Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

To continue the Committee’s work on the RPPR process for 2024/25 financial year.

Chief Executive


13 March 2025


Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Annual Report

To update the Committee on the work of SACRE.

Roy Galley, Chairman of SACRE / Director of Children’s Services

School Exclusions Scrutiny Review

12 month monitoring report on progress with the Review’s recommendations.

Director of Children’s Services

Prevention in Children’s Services

To update the Committee on key work concerning prevention in Children’s Services, including the Family Safeguarding Model.

Director of Children’s Services

Committee Work Programme


To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.

Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser

Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

To continue the Committee’s work on the RPPR process for 2024/25 financial year.

Chief Executive